Tomato Juice


The local specialty tomatoes represent Oze-no-sato Katashina. Plenty of sweet and meaty tomatoes are used. They are grown under the varying temperature conditions between day and night and convey the passion and commitment of each farmer.

Telephone 0278-25-4644
Help Desk Roadside Station Oze Katashina


Drive 25 km to Nikko and Oze Area on the National Route 120 from Numata IC on the Kanetsu Expressway (38 minutes).
[Train/ Bus]
Arriving by Joetsu Shinkansen: An hour and 24-minute ride on Kanetsu Kotsu Bus (for Oze) from Jomokogen Station → A 5-minute walk from Kamata Bus stop
Arriving by JR Joetsu Line: A 54-minute ride on Kanetsu Kotsu Bus (for Oze) from Numata Station
→A 5-minute walk from Kamata Bus stop

Address 3967-1, Kamata, Katashina-mura, Tone-gun, Gunma-ken, 378-0415
