
Here is access information to Katashina Village/Oze National Park (from various directions in Japan).

By Car

From Tohoku & Nikko

[By Car] About 3 hours and 30 minutes

Utsunomiya IC of Tohoku Expressway →
Kiyotaki IC of Nikko Utsunomiya Roads→
Follow R120 to Oze (About 2 hours)
*Konsei Pass on R120 is closed during winter.

From Tokyo

[By Car] About 2 hour and 10 minutes

From Numata IC of Kan-etsu Expressway: Follow R120 To Oze/Nikko (About 50 minutes)

From Osaka

[By Car] About 7 hours and 30 minutes

Okaya JCT of Chuo Expressway →
Koshoku JCT of Nagano Expressway →
Fujioka JCT of Joshin-etsu Expressway →
Numata IC of Kan-etsu Expressway →
Follow R120 To Oze/Nikko (About 50 minutes)

By Train

From Tokyo

Joetsu Shinkansen

JR Tokyo Station →Jomo-Kogen Station (About 1 hour and 15 minutes)
Scheduled Bus: Jomo-Kogen Station to Numata Station (30 minutes)
Numata Station → Kamata Bus Terminal (About 1 hour)

From Osaka

Tokaido Shinkansen

JR Shin-Osaka Station → JR Tokyo Station (About 2 hours and 40 minutes)

Joetsu Shinkansen

JR Tokyo Station →Jomo-Kogen Station (About 1 hour and 15 minutes)
Scheduled Bus: Jomo-Kogen Station to Numata Station (30 minutes)
Numata Station → Kamata Bus Terminal (About 1 hour)

Access to Oze


  • 路線バスのご案内

  • 上越線のご案内(最寄り:沼田駅)

  • 上越新幹線のご案内(最寄り:上毛高原駅)

  • 戸倉~鳩待峠乗合バス


  • 関越交通 鎌田事業所


  • 関越交通 鎌田事業所

  • 片品観光タクシー

  • 尾瀬観光タクシー

  • 尾瀬紀行