Oze’s Fukimiso


In the beginning of spring, a lot of Fukimoji sprout from the snow-covered ground. We mixed them with Katashina’s Ojiro bean Miso. The slight bittersweet flavor of nature gives a deep and real taste unique to the region.

Telephone 0278-58-3222
Help Desk Oze Katashina Village Tourism Association


Drive 25 km to Nikko and Oze Area on the National Route 120 from Numata IC on the Kanetsu Expressway (38 minutes).
[Train/ Bus]
Arriving by Joetsu Shinkansen: An hour and 24-minute ride on Kanetsu Kotsu Bus (for Oze) from Jomokogen Station → A 5-minute walk from Kamata Bus stop
Arriving by JR Joetsu Line: A 54-minute ride on Kanetsu Kotsu Bus (for Oze) from Numata Station
→A 5-minute walk from Kamata Bus stop

Address 3964, Kamata, Katashina-mura, Tone-gun, Gunma-ken
